Happy Fathers Day!!!

Posted Sun Jun 16, 2024 9:43 am

A Penn, UglyStik combo is not for the feint at heart.
I will always own Penn reels and UglyStik rods in my arsenal.
Penn and UglyStik made me the angler I am today.
This combo is a heavy beast that’s affordable for EVERYONE!
Matched with braid and a behemoth.
This outfit can hurt you! Wink

Posted Sun Jun 16, 2024 9:56 am

On 7 May 1998, Daimler-Benz Aktiengesellschaft in Germany and Chrysler Corporation in the United States of America signed a merger contract. Simultaneously, Mercedes-Benz launched a strategic model initiative in the car sector.

You cracked up.

I got chains when my kid was at SUNY. I never used them.

Posted Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:24 pm

Posted Mon Jun 24, 2024 1:23 pm

I’m having a conversation.

Posted Sat Jun 29, 2024 10:16 am

The old salt dog on the jetty.

I pull up to the light waiting for it to turn green so I can make a right turn.
This is the city not the burbs. It finally does. A pedestrian starts to cross.
I patiently wait as the pedestrian has the right of way. Behind me I hear
beeping. I look in the mirror just to see a nasty look. The issues over take
the track of thought. Forget there’s a dash cam and reach to the back
seat for the kids toys. Another second or two and . . . . .

That’s all that happened. Oh yeah the save button.

Posted Sat Jul 13, 2024 4:02 pm

Stay tuned

Shoe tree advice and tips
Lightly sand your cedar shoetrees once a year (use sandpaper with a grit of 200 or higher).

Posted Sat Jul 13, 2024 6:58 pm

The couple on the corner that owns the projects.
I’m paying him rent.

I’m over qualified. They’re making lots of money.
They’re laying off people. The workers are mad at me.
What did you do?

I showed up to work. Don’t touch anything just sit there.
They’re getting paid for what you’re doing.
Let me go follow him around and drive him crazy.

I approved one sandspike. I put in an order for a thousand.
I need 20 shipped to every sporting goods, army navy store
in the country.

Posted Mon Jul 15, 2024 1:27 pm

Posted Wed Jul 17, 2024 12:43 pm

A couple blocks from Dizzy was a drug house.
You would ring the bell. They would open the little
slot. You told them what you wanted and slipped
the money in the slot. They slipped the dope to you.
May Ling married who?

Bushwick was a war zone until my late 20’s.
His brother was delivering pizza and got car jacked.
The owner of the pizzeria took a couple of slugs in the back.

Posted Sun Jul 28, 2024 11:28 am

Ohh it gets better. I’m 9 years old out of school during the
summer. Theres pee pee and caca. Brother and sister. There’s
Vinculescu. All right let’s play soccer. Not before we make fun of
them. Who did the sister marry? Where do they live? Who are there
parents? What do hey do for a living? Where do there kids go to
school? There’s Kraut boy. You see Hink? I live across the street
in UZDIN SERBIA! I can’t wait to kick the orphan in the head.

I’m walking around with my deek in my brain.
The best company you can find.
My father’s brother. My first cousins live where?

You’ll never find more F’d in the head than this.

Posted Sun Jul 28, 2024 5:31 pm

Rob Coop. Follow them we won’t get into trouble.
These people are EMBARRASSING! The first time
I saw them after so many years. Coops girls didn’t
know who I was and I passed an obnoxious remark
with a big smile. She walked away crying hysterical.
I’m picking up my kids from kindergarten at elementary
school. Now the Americanized Germans are carefully
watching them. They’re smiling at me. WE KNOW!

Never the less. This is also a very DEAR friend that
lives near by.

I’m a seamstress there before her. Dizzy who?

The tanglewood boyz - TZO - there she is at the elementary school.
He's the principal. Your wife said you’re not allowed to talk to the kids.
Get out your fired. $$$$

Posted Sun Jul 28, 2024 5:52 pm

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