
Tyler Brewer

Dedham, Massachusetts, USA
Member since May 13th, 2015
Biz Dev Manager that revived the fishing itch a couple of years ago. Mostly kayak fishing with some shore fishing thrown in. Catching fish is catching fish and there is a thrill in all of it. Catching the right fish is just a bonus. Mostly hitting up areas around Dedham but trying out anything that looks decent and yak accessible.

Outside of fishing, just your everyday MA sports nut and foodie.

General Info

Freshwater Fishing
Camping / Outdoors
Modding and DIY projects
Favorite Fish to Catch
Favorite Type of Fishing
Water Type
Favorite Lures
Spinners, Senkos, Frogs, crankbait
Fishing Rods
Berkley Lightning Rod (Medium action)

Typically using 15-30 lbs Spider Braid (Green)
Fishing Reels
Shimano Sahara Spinning
Fishing Techniques
worms near pads/weeds
Kayak fishing
Favorite Fishing Spot
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Guess regularroy already beat me to the punch guess I'll be repetitive here, and share another story from the Ponk.

Headed out later Saturday evening to get some in before the nasty weather hit. Accompanying me as always is my good buddy evanm24. Got there around 5:30ish pm. Started out with the trusty Texas rigged worm that has brought me success there in the past. Bite was slow. Couple nibbles here and there but nothing taking. Finally after sometime managed to snag a LMB out of the pads. Nothing special about 12". Evanm24 was getting bites left and right but as was the story of day, having trouble landing anything.

Got to give credit where credit is due, Evanm24 switched to the frog and had a couple nice hits and advised I do the same. One the second cast, BAM! Frog was destroyed and given that I am new to frog bassin, my hesitation aka shock actually paid off as it gave me the perfect time to set the dang thing. Figured it was a least 2-3lbs judging by the fight and drag, but once I got this Larry to the surface and brushed the salad away, I had myself an nice little 21inch lunker on a Booyah Pad Crasher

Only managed a couple of fish, before night set in and it started to rain. Quantity was not in the cards but nothing wrong with quality.

Posted 9 years ago

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Took the day off on Friday plus the weekend to get away for some camping on Squam Lake with the lady friend. Couldn't waste the great weather we were to have before the cold and rain set in.

Friday got on the water at about 1pm after setting up camp. Bite was slow for most of the day. Crazy thing was that I could see LMB bass everywhere, including some monsters. Just a lethargic bite but they were schooling close to shore. Managed a couple of dinks for the day, but overall the water was great, and the scenery was even better.

Day 2: Got a tip from some locals on a sweet bass boat (thats how I judge seriousness) that to the immediate left of where we paddled there was some great cover/pads with some pigs. This time hit the water at about 4:30 pm till dusk and the bite was much better. Got two Picks right off the bat, one had to at least be 2.5lbs but it jumped off the hook. Got closer to the pads with a Texas rigged senko and 3 LMB, two keepers.

Had to head back to camp so I decided for a goof I would rig up my rod with a curly tailed grub considering I had pretty good luck with SMB the night prior (more to come). Tossed my grub right by a small patch of pads and WHAM! Immediate hit and I thought I had a big pick until my drag took off. Reeled in a pig from the shallows. Nice little 5lbs lunker.

Wish I had more time but had to hike back to the camp site plus a nasty little storm was heading our way. Great weekend, great scenery, and nice fish!

Bonus: Friday night did a little dock fishing. SMB bite was great on the grub. Got three to the dock but the damn things were spitting the hook when I tried to get them up (left the net in the car). Managed to haul in one before I called it quits around 10 pm. Nice little 2lbs 5oz Larry smalls.

Posted 9 years ago

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Took a little Monday Memorial Day trip out to Echo Lake with evanm24 in Hopkington. Not exactly sure of the legality of the fishing there , but met a couple of locals that assured us all would be well. Had to hike both kayaks through the woods to get to a little muddy launch point.

This lake looks like it was once a quarry, really rocky bottom and almost weedless except for some coves. Tried the football jig on the bottom with a rage craw trailer to no luck. Switched over to the watermelon, red flake senko and the bite was on.

For me, all 6 LMB were caught on the senko worm. Evanm24 managed 7-8 fish, a couple on the worm, a crank bait, and one massive 3lbs 2oz pickerel on a white jig w/ white worm trailer.

Overall the size was a little underwhelming with only a handful of the LMB being keepers. In the end fish were caught and Veterans were praised.

Posted 9 years ago

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Hit up Ponkapog pond with my good buddy evanm24. Got there around 5ish and immediately went to the wacky watermelon senko, while he hit up a texas rigged grub. Apparently the fish were all about the grub since I watched three casts and three fish reeled in. Two pick and a nice sized perch. Remembered that I had some success last year with a white senko texas rigged. Quickly switched to that.

The bite picked up shortly after the switch, problem was it was the wrong bite. Pulled in two midsize pick shortly after. Relocated to some pads and hit pay dirt. Found some big Larry's near their spawning sites. Evanm24 pulled the first 2 #er on a white jig. Shortly after I pulled in the second 2#er with the same white senko. Top water bite wasn't bad either with another 1.5lbs LMB being pulled in on a frog.

Should of hit this spot up earlier in the trip but good to see decent size bass biting. Had to head out due to the bugs. More to come from ponk I imagine.

Posted 9 years ago

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Got the itch yesterday after work. When I could get all my stuff together, rushed over to Crystal Lake. Only had about an hour due to dusk. Heard that there are some decent fish in this pond. Only thing I knew of was the sunnies I fished as a kid.

Got there about 7:36 pm tried a wacky rigged senko to no luck. Threw on a black jitterbug on a calm no wind evening. Nothing at first. After relocating, tried my last cast near some small pads. BAM! Nice hit and great fight. Pulled in a nice Larry at about 8:45 pm. Had to call it quits after that since visibility was null. Overall was pretty surprised to pull a nice fish outta there.

Posted 9 years ago

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Wanted to try this little pond after a buddy of mine had some success there catching some decent LMB. Headed out first to shore fish then later to get the yak on the water. Started out on the shore reeling in a couple picks and one decent LMB. On the yak, the pick were still biting, only to finish the day off with a dink Larry. Overall caught about 7 fish, the majority were picks, but nothing wrong with a couple LMB thrown in as well.

Great day but a b*$ch to get the yak in/out.

Posted 24 years ago

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My buddy and I took the kayaks out for an early trip to stump pond. Been here before later in the spring/summer and had a decent time shore fishing. Figured with the yaks the catching would be far better. Caught fish, but the wrong fish. After about 5 1/2 hrs on the water came away with 7 picks. Buddy managed about 3 picks and one LMB by the end of the day. Picks would bite on anything I threw at them. Overall can't complain when we catch fish, but though the LMB bite would be far better. Just nice to get out on the water.

Posted 9 years ago

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With 79 Total Points

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  • Swordfish Rank
  • Striped Bass Rank
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