Over 75 miles long, Guntersville reservoir was formed by damming the Tennessee river by the TVA in 1939. The reservoir is relatively shallow for it's large surface area, and this leads to a relative increase in bass habitat, due to larger areas of suitable grass and other plant growth.
The reservoir has a minimum length restriction of 15" for largemouth bass, which contributes both to a lower amount of total bass caught and to an increase in the average size of bass caught.
There are multiple boat ramps all along its length, as well as boat rental opportunities.
Lake Guntersville has enjoyed a high environmental health rating and there are NO FISH CONSUMPTION ADVISORIES (!) for Lake Guntersville as of the time of this writing, although a new survey is scheduled for the Fall of 2008.
Lake Guntersville State Park is located in Northeast Alabama, just outside Guntersville in Marshall County, Alabama.