Bass Anglers Dream/ My Nightmare Fishing Report

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Wanted to quickly share a very odd and frustrating day i had on the water. I'll try and keep it short and sweet, but it starts off like this....

I arrive at the pond around 11:00 and go straight to a sweet spot i knew had a bunch of big bass lurking. I get at the spot and instantly saw the big bass i was excepting to be there CRUSHING balls of bait. I've seen largies chase down bait, but never ever like this. It was complete insanity on the water. I watched multiple big bass chasing down the schools on the surface and was chasing the bait out of the water!!!! With goliath beast bass chasing down viciously i quickly scrambled for a bait that would be the right ticket. Worried that this intense feeding period would soon be over i just started chucking lures. I had a jig tied on caked with megastrike craw scent. Made less than 10 pitches and got my first bump. Didn't even have the chance to think about setting the hook and the jig dropped back to the bottom. So i keep at it and not really getting much. Then i start watching my surroundings more closly as im fishing and notice that theres not just 1, but four or more 3lbs+ just staring at my jig on a pitch!! For the next 5 mins or so i just kept watching them nose my lure, but no takers!! It was absolutely disgusting watching it. I watched over 15 or so largemouth from 2bs too around 6lb just stare. I couldn't take it anymore i took off the jig and tried something else that would resemble the baitfish they were hunting down. With the bass smashing the surface i figured the buzzbait would be a great choice. Many casts later and really puzzled an kinda angry in a dumb way i was about to pack up my things and call it quits and pretend the day never happened after sitting in the same area the bass were feeding all day and yet couldn't catch S***.... BAM fish on! Wasn't nearly the quality of the fish that were lurking, but nevertheless a nice fish. With that bass landed it gave me more motivation to keep at it. Again many cast later and nothing... It was getting kinda late and i was really burnt out from getting ramrodded all day. Sitting there with everyone's favorite mine frame of "Just one more fish" i was done. Literately on my last 2 or three cast i hear KAAAAPOOOLOOSHHH and right away i was greeted by the great feeling of a lunker! After a great fight and some fantastic jumps i finally got the quality i was after....

Overall it was a good day despite the potential to get a 30lb limit and all the jumbo lunkers just laughin at me. I learned quite abit about one of my waters...

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... lunkerhunter2366 posted in MA
... lunkerhunter2366 posted in MA
... lunkerhunter2366 posted in MA

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  • great story bro, and im glad your "sticktoitevness " produced results! im also curious about the activity of the LM? being as yesterday was one of the hottest days of the year and they were shallow enough for you to see them like that! i was in a similar situation last week where it was a few degrees cooler and i could see sum descent size fish but it was almost like they saw my bait and were like "nah!... to hot to chase that thing" lol! but congrats and thats a beauty! if tou ever wanna share where you got them, or maybe just drop a few hints? would love to kno! good luck!

  • A crazy day it was. Still just thinking about the level of activity of the LMB. If there was someone else in my shoes that day god only knows the limit that could been pulled out.... tight lines MAFF and GO EL SALTO!!!

  • Glad your persistance paid off...

  • LOL great story. I had the same story yesterday but skip the ending!

  • lol, I know that lake that's el Salto. I was just thinking on the way home today I haven't caught a lobina in awhile.

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